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  5. Deactivate PostX License from Development Sites

Deactivate PostX License from Development Sites

Do you have a single-site license for PostX? And, already used it in your local development or staging sites?

In this case, you will not be able to use it on your live site. So what to do?

Don’t worry we got your back. You can deactivate the license from your existing site and use it on the live site. Here’s how:

Step – 1. Deactivate License from Development Site

To deactivate the PostX license go to WPXPO.COM >> My Account >> Dashboard.

My Account More Details

Here you will see available site licenses that you have purchased from WPXPO. From here, click on the “More Details” and open the “Manage Sites” option.

PostX License Deactivation

Here, you see all of the active sites. Now, you just need to click on the “Deactive Site”  located beside the site for which you don’t want to use the license anymore.

Step – 2. Use it on Live Site 

Copy PostX License

Now you can copy the license key and use it on your live site. For that, go to WordPress Dashboard >> PostX >> License. Then paste the copied key and click on the “Active License” button.

Active PostX License
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