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Front End Post Submission (FEPS)

The PostX Front End Submission addon allows site admins and freelance writers to actively collaborate on blog content for a WordPress website. Let’s see how it works. 

***Images may be subject to change as new updates roll out for the product. Please inform the support team of any missing information – we would really appreciate it!


Please note that you need both the PostX free and Pro versions installed on your WordPress site. You can check out the installation process in the following links: 

  1. Install the PostX Plugin
  2. Install the Pro Version of PostX

***Before working with the addon, make sure to go to “Settings” from your WordPress dashboard. Select “Permalinks and Save the Default changes for the settings to take effect.

Enabling the Front End Post Submission Addon 

To enable the front-end post submission addon, you need to: 

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to PostX > Addons 
Front End Post Submission Addon
Enable the PostX Front End Post Submission Addon
  • Search for the Front End Post Submission Addon 
  • Enable the Addon

Once you enable the addon, you need to check out the settings for the submission addon. 

Creating a My Account Page for Freelance Writers

To create a “My Account” page for freelance writers (from where they can submit their posts and review them), you need to:

  • Go to PostX > Addons 
  • Search for the Front End Post Submission Addon 
Front End Post Submission Settings
Front End Submission Settings
  • Click on the Gear Icon within to access the settings 

Once you click on the Gear Icon the settings will appear from the right.

Here, you will find the “My Account Dashboard Shortcode” option. 

However, if you want to create a custom page for the Front End Submission, you need to: 

  • Create a page where you want the writers to submit and review their posts 
  • Come back to the Addons Page 
  • Access the Front End Post Submission Addon Settings (as mentioned above)
  • Copy the shortcode from the addon setting
  • Go back to the page  
Past the Shortcode to the Page
Past the Shortcode to the Page
  • Paste the Shortcode
  • Publish/Update the page

Now, if a writer wishes to access the Front End Submission Feature to add posts to your website, they will have to log in first. Here’s the login page: 

Login Page for Freelance Writers
Login Page for Freelance Writers

A user will also be able to create their account for the first time:

Register New Account
Register New Account

Once they log in, they will find the dashboard page. Here, they will be able to see the following information

  1. In the main dashboard, they will find:
    1. The total number of posts they submitted 
    2. The number of posts that are pending review 
    3. The number of posts they have in the draft 
    4. The number of posts that are published on the site 
  2. Edit your account information:
    1. Change your name (first name and last name) 
    2. Your display name and 
    3. The Email Address 
  3. You will be able to change your password as well
Dashboard for Freelance Writers
Dashboard for Freelance Writers

***In the “My Post” section, the user will find a search bar to search for specific posts. It is a non-AJAX search bar:

***If you are creating an account on the website for the first time, you will not be able to see your name in the list of users (the admin will not find your name). However, when you create your account, the admin will see your name in the back end of the WordPress site. In the user setting, there will be a category called “Front End Submission User”. Your name will be listed under this category. 

Front End Submission User
Front End Submission User

Content Submission for Freelance Writer

The writer will be able to submit new content by clicking on “Submit Posts”. Once the writer clicks on it, he will be taken to the Gutenberg Editor.

Gutenberg Post Editor - Back End View for Freelance Writers
Gutenberg Post Editor – Back End View for Freelance Writers

Freelance Writer Permissions

The writer will need some permission from the site admin to edit, and/or publish the content freely.

***These permissions can be set for individual freelance writers. For example, if you want writers “A” and “B” to have publishing permission and Writer “C” to have both publishing and editing permissions, you can do that by simply selecting their names from the dropdown for different settings. 

Front End Post Submission Settings
Front End Post Submission Settings

SEO Plugin Support 

The Addon currently has support for selected features of the RankMath SEO plugin. The writer will only find the content publishing checklist settings for RankMath if the blog admin permits it. But, for the setting to work properly, you need to: 

  1. Have the RankMath SEO Plugin installed and activated on your site
  2. Have the PostX RankMath SEO addon enabled from the PostX Addon Settings

To enable the SEO plugin support: 

  1. Go to the Front End Post Submission Addon Settings
  2. Enable the “SEO Support (RankMath)” setting
  3. Save the Settings

***The freelance writer will be able to add a meta description, change the post slug, change the look of the snippet, and conduct general content checks with RankMath. 

Tag Creation  

By default, the Content Writer will not be able to create tags for their content. The site admin will have to enable permission for the writer. To enable tag creation for the writer, just tick the “Enable Tag Creation” setting and save. 

***Please note that the freelance writer will not be able to create any new “Categories” for the post he/she publishes. But, they can use the existing categories for their posts. The freelance writer can add categories automatically – from the list of existing categories the site admin uses on the site.

Post Publishing 

You can give post-publishing access to the freelance writer by checking the “Enable Post Publishing” box and saving the settings. 

Editing the Post After Writing 

The WordPress site admin can enable editing for a writer after the post is published. Just click on “Enable Post After Publishing” to enable the editing option for the writer. 

Featured Image Addition 

Just check the “Enable Featured Image Attachment Access” and save it so that the freelancer can add a featured image for the post. 

***You can limit the file size for the featured image. Simply under “Max File Size” mention the image size (in Megabytes[MB]) and save. If the writer chooses to upload an image with a larger file size, he will face an error. 

Max Featured Image Size
Max Featured Image Size

Post Deletion 

If you “Enable Post Deletion” check box from the addon settings, the user will be able to delete the post from the site directly from their dashboard. However, it will not be completely deleted from the site. 

***It will end up in the trash folder in the WordPress site’s backend. 

***Also note that the freelance writer will not be able to delete any posts that are already published on the site. Once the content is published, the admin can only grant editing permission to the writer.

Sending a Post for Review

A freelance writer who doesn’t have permission to publish a post directly from the Front End will be able to send it for review. 

When he or she goes to save it, it will prompt them to “Submit for Review”

Submit Post for Review
Submit Post for Review

Receiving and Reviewing the Post 

Once he or she submits it for review, the site admin will be able to see the post under “Posts” in the WordPress dashboard. There, the admin will be able to see the details of the sender. 

The admin will be able to review the content from the back-end editor. 

Post Submitted for Review in the Back End
Post Submitted for Review in the Back End

Making a Comment 

To make a comment, the editor will need to: 

  • Choose a word or string of words 
  • Click on the comment icon from on settings panel 
Add Comments to a Post
Add Comments to a Post
  • Write the comment
  • Click on “Add Comment” 

Making a Suggestion 

Making a suggestion in the review process is similar: 

  • Choose where to make the suggestion 
  • Click on the suggestion icon on the settings panel 
Adding Suggestions for Review
Adding Suggestions for Review
  • Write the suggestion
  • Click on “Add Suggestion” 

***After the review of the content is complete, the reviewer can publish it or use the “Save as Pending” button. If the reviewer clicks on “Save as Pending”, then an email will go to the writer’s email and he or she can make the changes from their front-end dashboard. 

Reviewing a Content from the Writer’s End

The Writer can check the comments and suggestions from their Front End User Dashboard. They will see the number of posts pending review from the “Posts Pending” Tab on their dashboard. 

Comments and Suggestions in the Writers Gutenberg Editor
Comments and Suggestions in the Writers Gutenberg Editor

To check the reviews and make changes, the writer has to: 

  1. Login to the dashboard and go to My Posts 
  2. Choose the post that needs editing and click on Edit Post
  3. Take care of the comments and suggestions 
  4. Submit it again for review 

***Please note that the writer, who has permission to publish and edit posts can receive feedback from the admin reviewer and edit the published posts.

***Also note that when a freelance writer accepts a suggestion, he or she must select the entire word or string or words that are marked (either yellow or Purple). Otherwise, if they select a word in between and accept the suggestion, it will break the structure of that word or string of words.

Accepting Comment by a Freelance Writer
Accepting Comment by a Freelance Writer

Email Notifications

The site admin can enable the following email notifications or keep them disabled: 

Email Notifications
Email Notifications
  • “New Post Received Email Status”: Admin receives an email when a new post is submitted by a writer. 
  • “New User Registered Email Status”: An admin receives an email when a user registers to a website. 
  • “Registration Successful Email Status”: Confirmation that a user has successfully registered.  
  • “New Post Published Email Status”: Admin receives an email when a freelance writer publishes an email. 
  • “New Post Submitted for Review Email Status”: An admin receives an email when a writer submits a post for review. 
  • “Post Reviewed and Need Changes Email Status”: A writer receives an email when an admin completes reviewing and asks for changes. 
  • “Post Published after Reviewed Email Status”: A writer receives an email when the post is reviewed and published on the site. 

Adding a Spam Filter with Google reCAPTCHA 

The PostX Front End Post Submission allows you to add a spam filter using Google’s reCAPTCHA. You need a site key and secret key for this to work: 

Creating a Google reCAPTCHA Key
Creating a Google reCAPTCHA Key
  • The Addon supports both v2 and v3. Choose the version that works for you. 
  • Agree to the terms and conditions 
reCAPTCHA versions
reCAPTCHA versions
  • Now, copy the site key and the secret key 
  • Go back to the PostX Front End Submission Addon Settings 
  • Enable reCAPTCHA
  • Choose the version 
  • Paste the keys
Enable reCAPTCHA Settings
Enable reCAPTCHA Settings
  • Save the Settings 

Now, whenever someone tries to log in, they will have to pass the spam filter! Here’s an example with Google reCAPTCHA v2:

Google reCAPTCHA v2
Google reCAPTCHA v2 spam filter

Guest Post Submission from the Front End

The process for enabling your site to receive guest posts is easy. Follow the steps below: 

Enable Guest User Submission 

You need to “Enable Guest User Submission” for this to work. You can create a custom page or keep all the settings default as is. 

But, if you want to create a custom page, you need to: 

  • “Enable Guest User Submission” from the Addon Setting 
  • Copy the “Guest User Block Editor” Shortcode
Enable Guest Post User Submission
Enable Guest Post User Submission
  • Paste the Shortcode on the page and publish/update it 
  • Go back to the Addon Settings

  • Select the Page where you pasted the shortcode 
  • Save the Settings

Now, if a writer goes to that page, they will find a Gutenberg Editor ready for publishing posts from the front end: 

Gutenberg Editor for Freelance Writer
Gutenberg Editor for Freelance Writer

In the Editor, the writer has access to Gutenberg blocks that are necessary for publishing a post. The writer can write the post and submit it. 

The gear icon lets the user add information like: 

  1. Their name 
  2. Email Address 
  3. Site URL 

Once they click on “Submit Post” it comes to the admin for review. 

In the “Posts” Section of the WordPress site, the admin finds the post ready for review with the relevant information. 

***Please note that the admin will not be able to save the posts for review by the guest writers. The admin is free to keep the post in draft, make necessary changes, and publish it on the site. 

Redirect the Guest User After Logout

You can redirect the guest user to a different page. To do that: 

  • Create a page where you want the guest user to go after the guest post is submitted
  • Go to the Front End Post Submission Addon Page
  • Select the Page from the Dropdown under “Redirection Page After Logout” 
  • Save the Settings
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