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  5. Create a List Menu

Create a List Menu

A list menu is a dropdown menu with items arranged in a simple list format. It’s a straightforward and easy-to-use menu option.

Adding a list menu is similar to adding a mega menu. Start by placing a menu block in the desired position in the header, then follow these steps:

List Menu

Adding a List Menu to the Desired Menu Item

The List Menu is an independent block designed as a sub-menu for menu items. To create a List Menu, follow these steps:

  • Select the menu item to which you want to add the List Menu as a sub-menu.
  • Click the ‘+ Sub Menu’ under the selected menu item.
  • Select List Menu from the list of available sub-menu types
Adding List Menu

Customizing List Menu’s Visuals

PostX offers lots of options to customize different aspects of the list menu. Click on each to reveal more settings:

Items Alignment: controls how the items within the list are aligned. You can select from the following options:

  • Left-aligned: Align all list items to the left margin.
  • Center-aligned: Center-align the list items for a balanced look.
  • Right-aligned: Align the list items to the right margin.
  • Justified: Space the list items evenly across the available width.
List Menu Alignment

Item Gap:  Manage the space between the list items.

List Item: This section likely allows you to configure the properties of individual list items, such as:

  • Text formatting (font size, weight, color, etc.).
  • Padding and margins around the text.
  • Hover effects (e.g., color change or underline when the cursor hovers over an item).

Item Icon:  Adjust the size and spacing of the icon relative to the text. Enable Icon after Text to place the icon after the menu item.

List Menu Icon

Dropdown Icon: Select a dropdown icon and customize its color, size, and spacing to match the website’s design.

Background Wrapper: The Background Wrapper section handles the container or background styling for the list menu. Customization options may include:

  • Background Color: Set a solid color or gradient for the background.
  • Borders: Add or remove borders, and customize their thickness and color.
  • Padding: Define the space inside the list container.
  • Shadow Effects: Add drop shadows for a more dynamic appearance.
List Menu Background Wrapper

You’ve successfully added and customized your List Menu with PostX!
Be sure to test the menu thoroughly for usability before going live on your site.

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