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Single Product Page

You can create custom Single Product Pages using the WowStore Gutenberg Builder. Here’s a quick video to help you get started:

How to Create a WooCommerce Single Product Page

Step-1. Turn on WooCommerce Builder Addon

The very first thing you need to do is enable the WooCommerce Builder Addon. To do this, go to WowStore > Getting Started from your WordPress dashboard. In the addons section, look for the Woo Builder Addon and enable it.

Enabling the WowStore Woo Builder
Enabling the WooCommerce Builder Addon

Note: This step is mandatory when working with the WowStore Gutenberg Builder. Without this step, you will be unable to create any templates with WowStore.

Step-2. Creating a Single Product Page

There are two ways you can create a single product page. However, the very first thing you need to do is go to WowStore > Woo Builder > Single Product. You can do it in one of two ways:

Creating a Single Product Page Template
Creating a Single Product Page Template – Single Product Page Dashboard

Import a Pre-made Layout for the Single Product Page

You can import a layout from the Single Product Page editor using the Builder Library. Or you can click on a pre-made layout from the page-builder dashboard and publish it [It will take you to the editor directly and you can publish the page].

Importing a Single Product Page Template
Importing a Single Product Page Template

Create a Custom Single Page Layout Using WowStore WooCommerce Blocks

You can create a single page using the WowStore WooCommerce Blocks. You can do it by going to the “+” icon to the right and using the pre-made blocks to create a single-page template.

WowStore Single Product Template
WowStore Single Product Template

Step-3. Changing the Page Template Condition

You need to change the page template condition before you publish the page. This is true for all pages excluding the homepage and 404 page.

WowStore Conditions Page
WowStore Conditions Page

[**NOTE: You can create one template for all product pages by choosing “Products” and “All”. It is possible to create a unique template for a particular product by selecting “Products” and choosing the “desired product name”. Or, you can also create different templates for the products of specific categories/sub-categories by selecting “in product categories / in child product categories”.]

Single Product Page Conditions
Single Product Page Conditions

Step-4. Publish the Page and View the Changes

Finally, publish the page.

You have successfully created your custom single-product page. Here’s how it looks in the front end:

WowStore Single Product Page Final View
WowStore Single Product Page Final View

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