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  4. Getting Started
  5. Development Site License Deactivation

Development Site License Deactivation

You may have already used your PRO license of WowStore on your development sites like localhost for testing purposes. 

But now you want to use it on your live site. How to do it?

In that case, you need to follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Deactivate the WowStore License from Development Site

Log in to your WPXPO account and navigate to My Account > Dashboard section. 

Scroll down to this page and click on the More Details option.

Under this option, you will find three settings Order Details, Manage Sites, and Invoice.

Click on Manage Sites to expand its options. Here you can see the list of sites where you have used the license of WowStore PRO. 

Now click on Deactivate Site beside the Site URL that you want to disable the license for. 

And done! Now your license is free to use for other websites. 

Step 2: Use the License on Your Live Site

Now that the license is free from the development site, you can use it on your desired live site without any issues. 

To do this, here are the easy steps:

  • Go to the admin dashboard of your live site
  • Click on WowStore > License
  • Copy the WowStore PRO license from your WPXPO account
  • Paste the key under the Add New License section
  • Click on Activate License to start using the WowStore PRO on your live site. 
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