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  5. Default Design 3

Default Design 3

The WowStore Product Blocks Plugin comes with a lot of FREE readymade layouts and blocks. We will be talking about the fee basic design blocks which will help you to get started quickly.

How to Use the WowStore Default Block Design-3

Here we will talk about the third default design among a healthy list of default design blocks in the WowStore blocks arsenal. You can explore a lot more designs if you choose the Pro version of WowStore.

Basic Design Settings

Basic Design Settings 3
Basic Design Settings

In the basic design settings, you can:

  • Choose a different layout based on your preference (Available with a Pro version).
  • You can choose and import different design blocks.
  • You can set Advanced CSS values as per your requirements.

Settings Overview

Settings Overview 3
Settings Overview

With different product block layouts, you will find different design settings. To take advantage of all the features, you will need a Pro Version of WowStore.

General Design Settings

General Design Settings
General Design Settings

From the general design settings, you can:

  • Change how the Product View will look like.
  • Play with the column and row distance sliders.
  • Change the Content Layout from a Dropdown List.
  • Activate/Turn off individual features of the product block.
  • Enable the pro features/add-ons.

Product Query Settings

Product Query Settings
Product Query Settings

The Product Query Settings is one of the key features of the WowStore Blocks Plugin. With the Quick Query Feature, you can easily showcase the products you choose. Also, you can order them however you wish in relation to:

  • Product Category
  • Include/Exclude Post
  • Order Date
  • Product Offset

You can also choose the number of products you want to show from the Product Query Settings .

Overlay Meta Settings

Overlay Meta Settings
Overlay Meta Settings

In the Overlay Meta Settings, you can change the background and hover properties.

Pricing Settings

Pricing Settings
Pricing Settings

In the Pricing Settings Pane, you can play with the Color and Typography Settings. You can also change the padding as well.

Review Settings

Review Settings
Review Settings

You can showcase the Review Section of your products by changing the Fill/Empty Color as well as the Margin of the Review of the box.

Image Settings

Image Settings
Image Settings

You can change how the product image looks in the Image Settings Section. Here you can:

  • Choose How the Image Looks with the Item Settings and Hover Animation.
  • Change the Width and Height of the Image.
  • Set Grayscale Settings.
  • Change the Border Sizing and Box Shadow.

Heading Settings

Heading Settings
Heading Settings

You can choose how the heading looks with the Heading Settings. In the heading settings, you can:

  • Change the Heading and URL.
  • Choose the Heading Style from a Dropdown list.
  • Change the heading alignment and spacing.
  • Change the Typography and Coloring.
  • Choose to Show/Hide the Subheading.
  • Change other settings.

Title Settings

Title Settings

With the Title Settings, you can change the Tags and Color Settings. Also, you can play around with the Typography and Padding Settings.

Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings

The advanced settings tab offers an overall insight into the design of the block. You can take the whole product block and add global settings to it.

So, with the advanced settings tab, you have the option to:

  • Z-index: You can play around with the z-index settings. If you are not familiar with the z-index settings, then you can take a look at them here.  
  • Margin and padding
  • Normal and Hover settings
  • Display responsiveness settings
  • Custom CSS and Additional CSS class adding options

You will be able to do a lot more with the Pro version of our revolutionary WowStore plugin.

Check out the Basic Block Customization Settings to learn about the basics.

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