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  4. Builder Blocks
  5. Thank You Order Details Block

Thank You Order Details Block

The thank you order details block displays all the details the customer provided.

Let’s see what customization settings it offers.


You can change this block’s download text, order details text, color, typography, table border, and table border-radius.

Thank You Order Details General Settings

Table Header

You can customize the product text, total text, color, background, typography, border, padding, and alignment.

Thank You Order Details Header

Table Body

In the table body section, you can modify the text color, background, link color, link hover color, body typography, border, padding, and alignment.

Thank You Order Details Body

In the button settings, you can change color (normal and hover), background, border, box shadow, border radius, and padding.

Thank You Order Details Button

Table Footer

For the table footer part, you can customize the subtotal, shipping cost, payment method, total text, color, background, typography, border, padding, and alignment.

Thank You Order Details Footer


In the container settings, you can change the background color, border, border radius, and padding.

Thank You Order Details Container
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