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  5. Product Meta Block

Product Meta Block

Product Meta Block

The product meta block dynamically controls the position, size, and typography of product metadata.

Let’s see what customization settings it offers.

Meta Display

You can show your product’s meta in stacked (vertical) or inline (horizontal) format.


You have control over the alignment of your product meta block. You can choose to align the price to the left, center, or right, depending on your design preferences.

Product Meta Block General Settings

Meta Enabler

You’ll find a toggle bar to enable the following for your product meta block:

  • SKU
  • Category
  • Tag
  • Label Show

Also, you’ll have a slider to adjust the space between metadata.

Meta Label

You’ll have separate settings for each option (SKU, Category, and Tag) to change label texts, typography, and color.

Product Meta Block Meta Label Settings

Meta Value

You can change the color, hover color, and typography of meta values.

Product Meta Block Meta Value Settings
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