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  5. Product Image Block

Product Image Block

The product image block dynamically controls the position, size, and typography of product images.

Let’s see what customization settings it offers.


You can select the image view between hover/click. Also, you can change image height, image scale, large image border, and large image radius.

Product Image Block General Settings

Large Image Arrow

You can enable/disable the large image arrow and customize its size, width, height, and vertical/horizontal position. Color, background color, border, border radius, and box shadow for normal and hover can also be customized.

Product Image Block Large Image Arrow

Gallery Arrow Style

You can enable/disable the gallery arrow style and customize its icon size, color, hover color, background, hover background, and padding.

Product Image Block Gallery Arrow Style


You can enable/disable the gallery and customize its position, columns, column gap, and space.

Product Image Block Gallery


You can enable/disable the sales and customize its text, position, design, style, color, background color, typography, border radius, padding, and sales margin.

Product Image Block Sales

Lightbox Zoom

You can enable/disable the lightbox zoom and customize its position, icon size, color, hover color, background, hover background, border, hover border, radius, hover radius, padding, and margin.

Product Image Block Lightbox Zoom
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