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  4. Builder Blocks
  5. Billing Address Block

Billing Address Block

The billing address block lets shoppers fill in their billing address by displaying the blocks to the desired position.

Let’s see what customization settings it offers.

Billing Title

You can enable the billing title and customize title text, title color, title background, alignment, title typography, title border-radius, padding, and title space.

Billing Address Block General Settings


You can customize label color, required indicator color, label typography, and label margin in the label settings.

Billing Address Block Label

Input Fields

In the input fields settings, you can customize the height, color, background, placeholder color, input typography, input border, input border radius, and input margin.

Billing Address Block Input Field

Field Container

Billing Address Block Field Container

In the field container settings, you can customize the background, border, border radius, and padding.

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