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Product Grid #4

Let’s explore Product Grid #4.

Importing Product Grid #4

Go to a Page, and click the “+” icon to see all blocks. Click or drag and drop the “Product Grid #4” block on a page.

Customization Options of Product Grid #4

WowStore’s product blocks have vast customization options to meet your needs. Let’s show you what options Product Grid #4 provides.

Product Grid #4 Customization Settings
Product Grid #4 Customization Settings

Readymade Patterns

This block comes with five ready-made patterns that can be imported with a single click. This provides a hassle-free way to get started with the block. You can still customize the block after importing a ready-made template.

Product Grid #4 Premade Patterns
Product Grid #4 Premade Patterns


You will be able to choose from six different layout styles to meet your specific requirements. Simply click on the layout of your choice, and it will be displayed accordingly. You will also be provided with two separate content layouts to showcase the product title and category in different positions.

Product Grid #1 Layout
Product Grid #4 Layout

Grid/slide View

You can choose to display your products in a grid or slide view, which will give your store a visually appealing and well-designed look.

Product Grid #1 Product View
Product Grid #4 Product View

Row/Column Option

The number of products displayed in this block is determined by the row/column settings. The number of columns, the column grid gap, and the row gap can be adjusted to suit your preferences.

Product Grid #1 Row-Column View
Product Grid #4 Row-Column View

Show/Hide Elements

You can show or hide different elements for the blocks, like:

  • Show Quick View
  • Show Compare
  • Show Out of Stock
  • Show In Stock
  • Image Flip

Note: Please note that these elements rely on the layout, so choose the layout carefully before enabling them. Otherwise, they will not function.

Product Grid #1 Elements Enabler
Product Grid #4 Elements Enabler

Product Sorting

WowStore’s amazing query builder allows you to sort your products using both basic and advanced sorting options.

Product Sort Settings
Product Sort Settings

Check out more about the query builder for product sorting.

Wishlist Style

A customizable wishlist button can be added to the website. The color of the wishlist button and the hover color can be adjusted to match the overall design of the website.

Product Grid #4 Wishlist Settings
Product Grid #4 Wishlist Settings

Cart Settings

This setting activates the “Add to Cart” and “View Cart” buttons when a user hovers over a product. The text of the “Add to Cart” and “View Cart” buttons, the typography, colors (normal and hover), background colors, border, border radius, spacer, and padding can all be customized.

Product Grid #3 Cart Settings
Product Grid #4 Cart Settings

Quick View Style

This feature enables a “Quick View” button to appear when a user hovers over a product. The color, hover color, background, hover background, and padding of this option can be customized.

Product Grid #4 Quick View Style Settings
Product Grid #4 Quick View Style Settings

Price Settings

This setting enables you to customize the price-related settings for products. You can choose to show or hide the price, and adjust the color and typography for this block in the price settings.

Product Grid #1 Price Settings
Product Grid #4 Price Settings

Review Settings

The review settings control the rating section of this block. You can activate or deactivate the rating stars, adjust the regular and filled colors, and modify the margins.

Product Grid #1 Review Settings
Product Grid #4 Review Settings

Short Description Settings

You can display or hide a brief product description, and change the character limit for it.

Product Grid #1 Short Description Settings
Product Grid #4 Short Description Settings

Sales Settings

You can customize product sales tags by showing or hiding them, and by changing their text, position, style, color, background color, typography, border radius, and padding.

Product Grid #1 Sales Settings
Product Grid #4 Sales Settings

Hots Settings

The product highlights can be enabled or disabled, and the text, colors, background, typography, border radius, and padding can be modified.

Product Grid #1 Hots Settings
Product Grid #4 Hots Settings

Deal Settings

Deal settings determine the duration of a deal’s availability for products. You can activate or deactivate it, and adjust the background color, number of colors, typography, day typography, border radius, spacer, and padding.

Product Grid #1 Deal Settings
Product Grid #4 Deal Settings

Image Settings

The block can be displayed or hidden by using the image control options, altering the image size, selecting an animation, adjusting the width, height, image scaling, gray scale, radius, box shadow (for both normal and hover), and margins.

Product Grid #1 Image Settings
Product Grid #4 Image Settings

Heading Settings

This is the settings for the block heading. You can customize block headings with options such as disabling, editing text, adding URLs, and adjusting styling and color.

Product Grid #1 Heading Settings
Product Grid #4 Heading Settings

Title Settings

This setting controls the title of the product. It can be disabled if desired. The tag, full title, color, hover color, typography, and padding can also be modified.

Product Grid #1 Title Settings
Product Grid #4 Title Settings

Category Settings

The product category can be shown or hidden, and its typography, color (normal and hover), background color, border, border radius, spacing, and padding can be customized.

Product Grid #1 Category Settings
Product Grid #4 Category Settings

Filter Settings

Filters are similar to query sorting, but they provide users with more control over the results. Users can view products based on category and tags, if these filters are enabled. The filter type (Category & tag) can be selected, and multiple categories and tags can be chosen.

Product Grid #1 Filter Settings
Product Grid #4 Filter Settings

Pagination Settings

The pagination (numeric/load more) options for this block can be customized. The text, alignment, typography, colors (normal & hover), background color, border, box shadow, border radius, margin, and padding of the pagination can be modified.

Product Grid #1 Pagination Settings
Product Grid #4 Pagination Settings

Variation Swatches Settings

To activate variation swatches for variable products, the default drop-down variation will be replaced by a clickable image/color-based swatch. The width, height, label background color, and label color for variations can be customized.

Product Grid #1 Variation Swatches Settings
Product Grid #4 Variation Swatches Settings

Advanced Settings

In the advanced tab, you will get settings for the following:

  • General
  • Responsive
  • Custom CSS
  • Advanced
Block Advanced Setting


You can modify class ID, z-index, margin, padding, normal & hover colors, border, box shadow, and border radius from the general settings.

Advanced General Settings


You will have the responsiveness settings for the blocks if you want to show the block on particular devices or not.

Use the toggle bar to enable the following options:

  • Hide On Extra Large
  • Hide On Desktop
  • Hide On Tablet
  • Hide On Mobile
Advanced Responsive Settings

Custom CSS & Advanced

You can manually add your custom CSS to modify your blocks in the custom CSS field. And in the advanced field, you can add custom CSS classes.

Advanced Custom CSS settings
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