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  5. Backorder Addon

Backorder Addon

With the WowStore back order addon, you can set products on backorder that are temporarily out of stock.

How to Use the Backorder Addon?

Before using the addon, you will have to turn it on from the WowStore settings from your WordPress dashboard. Here are some important references to make the product backorder available for use:

  1. Installing the Pro version of WowStore?
  2. How to use addons?

Back-Order Addon: Settings and Others

Once you turn on the back order addon, you will find the following settings. These settings will appear on the front end. However, the date and time settings for the backorder will have to be set from the WooCommerce product settings.

enabling backorder addon

Here are the available settings:

backorder addon settings

Here are the front end and backend settings when you update the product description for backorder from the product settings:

backorder product information

Note: Make sure to remove the tick mark from the “Manage Stock” section. Also, make sure that the stock status is set to “On Backorder”. Otherwise, the WowStore backorder information will not appear.

Once you’ve placed an order on your cart, you’ll be able to see which products are on backorder:

Cart view for WowStore backorder
Cart view for WowStore backorder

It will also show up on the order details page once the payment is done:

WowStore backorder details
WowStore backorder details

These settings are available for variable products as well.

Check out other relevant information from the WowStore documentation section:

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