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  5. Add to Cart Text

Add to Cart Text

If you want to change the cart button text effortlessly in your WooCommerce store, the Add to Cart Text add-on from WowStore is an ideal choice.

It allows you to choose different texts for Single Product, Grouped Product, Affiliate Product, and Variable Product. 

Also, you can set the texts differently for Single Product pages and Shop & Archive pages. 

Change Add to Cart Text in WooCommerce

Enabling the Add to Cart Text Addon

On your admin dashboard, navigate to WowStore’s homepage and scroll down to the addon that says Add to Cart Text. 

Click on the enable button to activate the addon. 

setting up Add to Cart Text addon

Customizing The Addon

To customize the Add to Cart Text add-on, click on the Gear icon to reveal all its settings. You will find settings for the Shop & Archive Page and the Single Product Page.

Let’s get familiar with the individual settings.

Shop & Archive Page

You will see four types of products: Simple Product, Grouped Product, Affiliate Product, and Variable Product. 

You can change the cart text to your preference for each of these product types.

change add to cart text in shop and archive pages

Single Product Page

Under this section, you will again find four product types: Simple Product, Grouped Product, External/Affiliate, and Variable Product. 

change add to cart text in single product pages

You can easily change the cart text for all these product types. 

Note: Don’t forget to click on the Save Settings button for the changes to take effect. 

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