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Patterns and Starter Packs

Exploring the ProductX Patterns and Starter Packs

The following video gives you an overview of the ProductX patterns and starter packs. Please note that images are subject to change depending on the ProductX updates.

Exploring the ProductX Blocks and Layouts Library

ProductX has a healthy library of pre-made product patterns and starter packs. All these ProductX blocks are highly customizable and super easy to use.

Adding a Premade ProductX Patterns or ProductX Starter Packs

How to import product blocks from the ProductX Blocks Library

Adding a premade ProductX Patterns is super easy with . The steps are simple:

  • Add a ‘New Page’ from the ‘Pages‘ section of your WordPress Dashboard.
Accessing ProductX Blocks
Accessing ProductX Blocks
  • You should see the ProductX ‘Block Library’ on the top right. Please note that patterns are patterns are product blocks – just better in design.

Note: There are 3 ways you access the ProductX Block Library. First, you can access it from the “+” icon to the top left. It will open the blocks browser and you will find the ProductX blocks. You can search for the desired blocks. Second, you can use the Block Library directly located to the top right. Third, you can use the “/” (forward slash) button on the page and write the name of the block you want to use on the page.

  • Click on it and it will reveal all the Pre-made Patterns or Starter Packs.
ProductX Patterns and Starter Packs
ProductX Patterns and Starter Packs
  • You have the option to choose either Starter Packs or Pre-made Patterns from the list.

Note: There are some specific things you need to know about the new Block Library. There is a “Filter” section where you can choose from specific conditions to find certain pre-made patterns or ProductX starter packs. Also, there’s the Synchronize button that you can use to get access to new patterns and starter packs. You can also use the Search functionality to search for specific patterns. You can also change the view – how you see the starter packs and patterns. Also, there is a Wishlist icon with each pattern and starter pack. If you click on the icon, then it is saved as a favorite item. Then if you click on the Wishlist icon, your favorite templates will show up.

  • You can import a starter pack or a pattern as desired.
ProductX Starter Packs
ProductX Starter Packs
  • And voila! Your favorite ProductX Starter Pack or Pattern is now ready for use.

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