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  4. Getting Started
  5. How to Upgrade Existing Plan

How to Upgrade Existing Plan

***ProductX is becoming WowStore. If you see the new working interface of WowStore, then you can follow along – the working process for product blocks, starter templates, and features all work the same way as it did for ProductX. So, if you’re working with WowStore, you can follow the doc and use the instructions. Essentially, there’s no difference between WowStore and ProductX when it comes to using the product in general.

When using the amazing features of WowStore, you may want to upgrade to a lifetime plan or unlimited sites based on your requirements. 

You can easily do so by following the easy steps described here:

First, log in to your WPXPO account and navigate to My Account > Dashboard.

Here you can see all the products you are using.

From WowStore’s upgrade section, you can find several plans to choose from. Choose the one you want and click on the Upgrade option. 

After clicking the Upgrade option, it will lead you to the Checkout page.

Now you just need to provide your payment details and done! You have successfully upgraded your existing plan by only paying the residual amount and not spending any extra money. 

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