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  5. Product Short Description Block

Product Short Description Block

***ProductX is becoming WowStore. If you see the new working interface of WowStore, then you can follow along – the working process for product blocks, starter templates, and features all work the same way as it did for ProductX. So, if you’re working with WowStore, you can follow the doc and use the instructions. Essentially, there’s no difference between WowStore and ProductX when it comes to using the product in general.

The product short description block is the short description of a product. It can be used to describe products. 

Let’s see what customization settings it offers.

Preview Products

The preview products settings let you pick a preset short description for products to check how they look in the backend. It displays the short description you have given in the product’s short description.


You have control over your product’s short description alignment within the block. You can align the texts to the left, center, or right, depending on your design preferences.

Product Short Description Block Settings


The color customization option lets you select the color scheme of your product’s short description block. You’ll have some predefined colors and a color palette to select exactly the color output you want.


Typography settings allow you to control the font style, size, height, spacing, and weight of your product’s short description text.

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