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  3. WowStore
  4. Builder Blocks
  5. Additional Information Block

Additional Information Block

***ProductX is becoming WowStore. If you see the new working interface of WowStore, then you can follow along – the working process for product blocks, starter templates, and features all work the same way as it did for ProductX. So, if you’re working with WowStore, you can follow the doc and use the instructions. Essentially, there’s no difference between WowStore and ProductX when it comes to using the product in general.

The additional information block helps the shoppers to add additional information if required.

Let’s see what customization settings it offers.


You can enable the title and customize title text, color, background, typography, padding, and space.

Additional Information Block Title


You can customize label color, typography, and margin in the label settings.

Additional Information Block Label

Textarea Field

You can customize the color, placeholder color (for both normal and focus), background, typography, border, border radius, and margin.

Additional Information Block Text Area Field

Field Container

In the field container settings, you can customize the background, border, border radius, and padding.

Additional Information Block Field Container
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