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***ProductX is becoming WowStore. If you see the new working interface of WowStore, then you can follow along – the working process for product blocks, starter templates, and features all work the same way as it did for ProductX. So, if you’re working with WowStore, you can follow the doc and use the instructions. Essentially, there’s no difference between WowStore and ProductX when it comes to using the product in general.

WowStore features excellent add on support to make your online business journey easier.

WowStore Addons
WowStore Add-ons

In order to turn on an addon, you will have to:

  1. Go to the Addons section from the WowStore menu.
  2. Toggle the addons that you want to turn on.
  3. You can keep the other addons toggle off if you want.

We will discuss the use of these add-ons in detail in the coming sections.


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