Introducing New & Advanced ProductX Query Builder for Effortless Product Sorting

  • By: Ruhul
  • Updated:

ProductX is now WowStore! We’re very excited to bring you this experience, packed with exciting features. Please note that the features, blocks, starter packs, etc. all work the same. If you have used ProductX, you’ll feel right at home with WowStore.

ProductX is the go-to plugin for crafting the perfect WooCommerce store with Product Blocks. It offers users a sleek and straightforward solution loaded with powerful features. 

The Advanced ProductX Query Builder is a major attraction, allowing you to build a custom WooCommerce store to make it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for.

ProductX is lightweight and easy to use, making it a breeze to get started. And with it, you can make WooCommerce product showcasing a breeze.

So, what are you waiting for? Put the new and improved ProductX Query Builder to work and see how it can simplify your product displaying process. With ProductX, you’ll be able to showcase your offerings to customers with ease. Try it out today and experience the difference it can make!

So, let’s see the new and advanced WooCommerce Product Query of ProductX.

Video Guide: ProductX Query Builder & Advanced Product Sorting

Here’s a video of the ProductX query and the advanced product sorting features.

How to use new ProductX Advanced Product Sorting

Basic Product Sorting

Let’s check all the basic sorting ProductX is offering.

Specific Product Sorting

Specific product sorting options let you display your desired products on a particular grid or list layout. It is a great way to showcase unique items that may not be available for purchase elsewhere. It can also help create a more tailored shopping experience for customers.

Specific Product Sort
Product Sorting – Specific Products

First, you need to select the specific product option from the product sort section.

Then you will be able to choose the desired products that you want to display. So only the selected products will be displayed on the product grid or list block.

Recent View Products

Displaying recently viewed products in a store allows customers to view a list of products they have recently viewed in your store. It also allows customers to easily compare products they’ve already viewed to make the best purchase decision. 

Recent View Products
Product Sorting – Recent View Products

Select “Recent View Products” from Product Sort to use this option.

Advance Product Sorting

Advanced product sorting is one of the most important parts of ProductX. People also know this feature as quick query sorting.

So, you need to select the advanced sort option from the product sort section to use this advanced query. 

Advanced Sort - Quick Query
Advanced Sorting – Quick Query

And you will get the following quick sort options:

  • Random Product (7 Days)
  • Random Product (30 Days)
  • Random Product (90 Days)
  • Random Product(All Time)
  • Most Sales (Last 24hr)
  • Most Sales (Last 7 Days)
  • Most Sales (Last 1 Month)
  • Most Sales (Last 3 Month)
  • Most Sales (All Time)
  • Related Product (Tag)
  • Related Product (Category)
  • Related Product (Category & Tag)
  • Top Rated Product (Average)
  • Most Rated Product (Review Count)
  • Most View Products(Last 24hr)
  • Most View Products(Last 7 Days)
  • Most View Products(Last 1 Month)
  • Most View Products(Last 3 Month)
  • Most View Products(All Time)

Display Product Based on Taxonomy

Displaying products by taxonomy in a store helps to organize the products and make them easier to find for customers. It can be used to group products into categories, tags, or attributes such as size, color, and brand. This helps customers find the products they need quickly and easily. 

Use the “Taxonomy” dropdown to select the order you want to display your products. 

Product Sort - Taxonomy
Product Sorting – Taxonomy

Currently, you will have the following options as taxonomies:

  • Product Categories (Sort products by categories)
  • Product Tags (Sort products by tags)
  • Product Color (Sort products by available product colors)
  • Product Size (Sort products by available product size)
  • Multiple Taxonomy (Sort products using multiple taxonomies from the above)

Once you choose your desired taxonomy, add “Taxonomy Value,” like, category, tag, color, or size specific values.

Reorder Products 

Displaying products in order can help customers find what they are looking for more quickly and easily. It can also create a better browsing experience by ensuring that related products are grouped and easy to find.

Order By

Use the “Order By” dropdown to select the order you want to display your products.

Product Sort - Order By
Product Sorting – Order By

Currently, ProductX is giving the following order by options:

  • date (Display products in dated order.)
  • title (Display products in alphabetic order.)
  • price (Display products based on price)
  • sku (Display products based on stock keeping unit)
  • rand (Display products in random order)
  • modified (Display the modified products)
  • popular (Display popular products)
  • popular_view (Display most viewed/trending products)
  • top_rated (Display the top-rated products)
  • stock_status (*Display products based on stock availability.)

Ascending / Descending

After selection, you can choose the ascending or descending order to display your products from first to last or last to first, giving you more customizability.

Product Sort - Ascending-Descending Products
Product Sorting – Ascending-Descending Products

Including / Excluding Products

Including/Excluding certain products can be beneficial for both customers and the store owner. For customers, it can help them narrow their search for the exact product they need and prevent them from accidentally purchasing something they don’t want or need.

Product Sort - Include-Exclude Products
Product Sorting – Include-Exclude Products

Use the “Exclude Products” field to select the products you want to exclude.

Also, you can include/exclude products based on the author.

Other Sorting Options

There are some additional sorting options you will get with the ProductX Advanced Product Query Builder.

Number of Products

Limiting the number of products also helps to improve the store’s loading time, as fewer products mean fewer data needs to be loaded.

Product Sort - Number of Products Displayed
Product Sorting – Number of Products Displayed

Use the “Number of Products” slider or the subsequent text field to limit the number of products on display.

Offset Products

ProductX WooCommerce product sort allows you to adjust product offsets. For example, if you don’t want to show the first few (or last few) products in your store, you can easily skip or exclude those products with offset.

Product Sort - Offset Products
Product Sorting – Offset Products

Use the “Offset Product” slider or the subsequent text field to adjust the number of skipped/excluded products in the display.

Product Status

Displaying featured or on-sale products in a WooCommerce store can help boost the visibility of the most popular items. Customers are more attracted to purchasing featured or on-sale items. 

Product Sort - Product Status
Product Sorting – Product Status

Use the “Product Status” option to select All/Featured/On Sale products to display.

Stock Status

If you choose the “stock_status” option in your order by dropdown, this setting is for you. In this field, you can select “In Stock,” “Out of Stock,” or “On Backorder” options to display products accordingly. ProductX also have a backorder addon to sort such possibilities.

Product Sort - Stock Status
Product Sorting – Stock Status


Find the complete and in-depth documentation for ProductX query builder and advanced product sorting right here!


In conclusion, ProductX Query Builder is a great feature for creating custom WooCommerce queries and sorting products. It offers powerful features such as custom sorting, recent products, featured products, on sale products, stock status, taxonomy selected products, exclude products, and authors included in the query. 

With its easy-to-use interface, ProductX Query Builder makes product displaying in WooCommerce stores a breeze, helping store owners create a tailored customer experience.

You can check out WordPress video tutorials on our YouTube Channel. Also, find us on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates!

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Written byRuhul

Ruhul is a technical and SEO-driven content writer, a tech enthusiast, and a pro gamer. He loves exploring new things and has written over 1,500 articles on diverse topics.

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